Page 27 - Ghidul investitorului_v4_final_Engleza.cdr
P. 27


            Touristic itineraries on Recaș Hills - Charlottenburg Round Village, Buzad, Altringen - a product that
            encompasses the area of the villages on the Recaș Hills, including the Lipova Hills Earthen House Trail,
            the Electroruga Festival of Buzad, the Charlottenburg Running Tours (round village) or the clay oven bread
            baking workshops, turning the area into an important tourist pole in the region.

            The story of the "rachie" at Pietroasa and the Șopot Waterfall  - a project that promotes the
            destination by focusing on the community of local producers and craftsmen, but also on the natural
            beauties, including the famous Șopot Waterfall.

            Map of manors and castles in Banat    - material produced out of a desire to promote local culture and
            history, but also to draw attention to the need for restoration, conservation and promotion of these
            buildings with major touristic potential. Most can only be visited from the outside as the risk of decay is
            present and in some cases advanced. Except for Manasie – Hodoni Manor, Vârgici – Sinersig Manor.

            Discover Timiș  - an application and digital platform to promote tourism in the county, Timiș being the first
            county in western Romania to implement a digital strategy to promote tourism in the region.
            The most beautiful customs, attractions or places in Timiș, some unknown even to the people of  Timiș,
            are available online through a mobile app and a website, covering the two types of channels, web & mobile,
            currently preferred by users. The Timiș Digital Tourist Guide is available in English and Romanian.

            Weekends on catamaran, on Lake Surduc      - Betting on ecological tourism and sustainable development
            ofthe area, the major gain of purchasing this boat and placing it on Lake Surduc is to promote the area where
            the largest lake in the county is located, a place where a lot of events can take place, such as: sunbathing,
            hiking, visits to tourist attractions in the area. Tourists can find lakeside campsites or accommodation at
            lakeside guesthouses and cottages.

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