Page 33 - Ghidul investitorului_v4_final_Engleza.cdr
P. 33


            Much  of  the  research  infrastructure  in  the  West  Region  is
            concentrated in Timiș County, and is oriented towards areas such
            as  agriculture,  welding  and  materials  testing,  chemistry  and
                                                                                    14 institutes, research centres
            electrochemistry,  physics,  forestry,  construction,  health,            and technological transfer
            hydraulic  machinery, etc.

            Universities also play an important role in the research activity
            and  innovation  ecosystem,  with  the  university  system
            stimulating creativity, entrepreneurship and innovation.

            According to the  ITM, 37  research and development employers
            operate  in    Timiș,    with    a    total  of  781  employees  on  30
            September 2021.
                                                                                     79% of R&D costs in the region,
            Timiș  County's  research  and  development  activity  has  been         i.e. 5.97% of national spending
            steadily increasing over the last decade, reaching the peak of the        is concentrated in the county
            sample in 2020, recording a figure of RON 545,000 M.

            Research-development costs (M. RON)

                mil.                      mil.         mil.
                                                                                expenditure of 107 euro/capita (2018),
                                                                                    up from 2017 (70 euro/capita)
             2016        2017          2018         2019         2020                  and above the national
            source: INS                                                                 and regional average

            Timiș is an IT&C investment hub both in terms of quantity and
            quality of sectoral investments in information technology.
                                   Companies in IT&C

                                                                                      65% in R&D employees in
                                                                                       the West Region (2019)

                                 Companies – Professional
                                  and scientific activities

                                                                                        1st national rank in the
                                                                                       number of employees in
                                                                                       industries and high-tech

            source: INS                                   32
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