Page 14 - Ghidul investitorului_v4_final_Engleza.cdr
P. 14


            The road network is well developed and consists of a motorway, two
            European roads and national roads. The Timișoara-Lugoj motorway is
            part of the TEN-T network, which in Romania, crosses the country from
            Nădlac to Constanţa. At local level, it connects the cities of Timișoara   the railway network provides
            and Lugoj, offering a modern and safe transport option by reducing            easy connections
            time  and  costs.                                                     with the southern part of Romania

            The Timișoara - Moraviţa motorway is planned to be built, with work
            currently  in  progress.

            Rail transport infrastructure is well distributed throughout the
            territory, serving 96.4% of the county's total population. They are
            mainly concentrated towards Timișoara municipality. The railway lines
            in operation as of 31 December 2019 have a density of 91.5 km/ 1,000
            km²; 113 of the total of 795 are electrified.                                 Timișoara-Moraviţa
                                                                                          motorway planning

                                                                                                   photo source: Dani Amariei

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